HOP28105 DVB-T IP modulator

- Fully complying with EN302 755 and EN300 744 standard
- 2ASI input ports
- 2 IP input over UDP protocol
- 10MHz input/loop out, 1PPS input/loop out
- DVB-T/T2 RF out in one device
- Supports single PLP
- Support MISO and SISO
- Support MFN net mode
- Supports non-linear digital pre-distortion (DPD)
- Constant temperature crystal oscillator, as high as 0.1ppm stability
- Support PID bypass and pass-through(option)
- Keyboard operation and LCD display
- Web Network management system

HOP28105 DVB-T/T2 modulator is our new product developed complying with the DVB-T/T2 standard. With its advanced modulating technology, this modulator can effectively make use of the ground spectrum resources and make it possible to provide reliable signals for fixed, mobile and portable devices. Compared with DVB-T, the channel capacity is increased by 30% under the similar carrier to noise ratio (CNR) threshold.
TS input over 2 ASI and 2 IP port (UDP)
10MHz reference clock input and loop out, BNC interface
1PPS input and loop out, BNC interface
128 input per channel
PID remapping (automatically or manually)
Accurate PCR adjusting
Generate PSI/SI table automatically
RF Out
RF range 150~999Mhz, 1hz stepping
Output level ATT -15~+5 dBm, 0.1db stepping
MER > 43db
Shoulder Level >56dB
LCD display, keyboard and web Network management
Supporting software upgrading through network