Perimeter Intrusion Detection System


Intrusion to places and access to equipment, information and valuable items has always been a concern of a wide range of businesses. The use of hybrid technologies, which is created by the integration of multiple systems, has led to the improvement of systems efficiency. The use of intelligent perimeter intrusion detection systems and the protection of this equipment against atmospheric conditions and environmental and animal damages, as well as the improvement of the quality of surveillance systems, has always been a concern for the designers of the Houper Group. The implementation of various perimeter protection solutions and technologies, in the form of alerts, unauthorized entry, physical warning, and announcement, complicates the implementation of this system.

Houper design

Houper provides integrated solutions by carefully examining and studying the needs of customers in various places and critical infrastructures, including transportation, buildings, public and urban places, oil and gas industry, mining, energy, medical treatment, medicine, and agriculture. The feasibility, simulation in design, standards, ease of use and smartness are the requirements that we consider in our products. The design of Houper products is done based on integration among systems, equipment, and the support of our partners. We will develop our solutions and make them even smarter to help our customers, and expand our systems more and more, in order to achieve more security and peace of mind.

Houper products

We send Houper products to resellers, customers, projects and Houper representatives in all parts of the world. We produce our equipment in several countries of the world, according to Houper's development plan. Our products can be integrated based on Houper's plans, and the expectations of users from software, firmware and hardware. With the help of our partners around the world, we develop our products for a wide range of applications and projects. Houper is bound to observe environmental laws in its products. Houper has close relations with prominent international brands in big projects for supply and integration.

Houper support

In all places where our products are installed, Houper representatives and experts provide support, update, and specialized training services. We are committed to customer satisfaction in using our products. Houper helps its dealers and representatives all over the world to have the necessary knowledge for the use of our equipment to keep them up and running in a wide range of applications. We have designed and built our equipment for long-term use in various places with the help of Houper's partners. In addition, the compliance with requirements and standards is mandatory for long-term use of our equipment.

News Perimeter Intrusion Detection System

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The design of intrusion detection systems is of direct relevance to the type of potential risk, location and the percentage of intrusion risk. A sustainable technology or a combination of different technologies are always used to reduce the risk of intrusion. With regard to the needs of the protected area, these systems react against any attack or intrusion, with the announcement, warning. Depending on the type of selected technology, the radio simulation and accurate calculation of the coverage of the project environment are carried out. Integration of intrusion detection system with other security systems, including video surveillance, radar, and access control and monitoring rooms, is one the requirement for the design of the system to accurately track incidents in large environments. Today, intrusion detection systems use network infrastructures. Taking into account the large area of many industrial centers and the need for communication infrastructure, a number of developers have proposed broadband platforms to provide the intrusion detection equipment with communication lines. Such lines are also able to provide the communication platforms of other systems. Today, fiber optic technology is mostly used in intrusion detection systems. Sensors for vibration detection, magnetic effects from motion, temperature, vibration, laser, infrared waves, and microwave are also the technologies used in these systems.