Central Management System and Monitoring Room
Central management includes a place to control and monitor all intelligent systems in a building or a vast industrial and urban environment. These places have many standards and requirements for the transfer of personnel to the site and accomplish tasks. Central management is like a brain to control and protect the project because the system's relationship with users and organization and the way to manage the systems are created in this section. In the event of any problems in this section, the performance of intelligent systems will not be of any particular value. At the same time, the passive defense requirements are of great importance in this section. Houper is committed to designing these sites in accordance with international standards and simulating them in order to satisfy the beneficiaries.
Houper design
Houper provides integrated solutions by carefully examining and studying the needs of customers in various places and critical infrastructures, including transportation, buildings, public and urban places, oil and gas industry, mining, energy, medical treatment, medicine, and agriculture. The feasibility, simulation in design, standards, ease of use and smartness are the requirements that we consider in our products. The design of Houper products is done based on integration among systems, equipment, and the support of our partners. We will develop our solutions and make them even smarter to help our customers, and expand our systems more and more, in order to achieve more security and peace of mind.
Houper products
We send Houper products to resellers, customers, projects and Houper representatives in all parts of the world. We produce our equipment in several countries of the world, according to Houper's development plan. Our products can be integrated based on Houper's plans, and the expectations of users from software, firmware and hardware. With the help of our partners around the world, we develop our products for a wide range of applications and projects. Houper is bound to observe environmental laws in its products. Houper has close relations with prominent international brands in big projects for supply and integration.
Houper support
In all places where our products are installed, Houper representatives and experts provide support, update, and specialized training services. We are committed to customer satisfaction in using our products. Houper helps its dealers and representatives all over the world to have the necessary knowledge for the use of our equipment to keep them up and running in a wide range of applications. We have designed and built our equipment for long-term use in various places with the help of Houper's partners. In addition, the compliance with requirements and standards is mandatory for long-term use of our equipment.
News Management Monitoring Room
Has no content to show!Central control and monitoring rooms are designed and implemented based on the systems required by project beneficiaries. The integration of systems, known as the inter-system synergy, also connects with the user in this place. Integration simplifies user performance and eliminates human error. Central monitoring and management rooms are the communication tools of the beneficiaries with intelligent systems. Generally, this communication is made by visual systems such as monitors, wall mounted projectors and large displays. Each smart system has central monitoring software that is centrally controlled in the control room. Control and monitoring scenarios are dependent on the installed systems and the view of beneficiaries in monitoring and controlling. There are technical requirements and standards for designing such places. Users can check and control all issues under the condition that they have good air conditioning, workspace and proper ergonomic system during the shifts. Meanwhile, a happy place and well-arranged chairs prevent exhaustion of users. In such places, the methods for monitoring the systems including security and safety, instrumentation and control, telecommunications and network, maintenance and repair, electricity and energy are different, and each one has a separate scenario. The software has been developed to simulate and design these sites. The control and inspection method and the room light setting depends on the number of monitors as well as the air conditioning system. Securing this room is a priority in all projects.